Suffering from a blood clot can be scary and distressing. If you suffered from one that wasn’t diagnosed, misdiagnosed or not treated properly, you could make a claim for compensation.
A blood clot is a semi-solid mass of blood. When you’re bleeding, clots help to stem the flow. This makes them essential to your wellbeing at times.
A blood clot that doesn’t move is not a danger to you, but when it starts travelling, you face the risk of it ending up in your lungs or heart. This could stop your body’s blood flow, resulting in a medical emergency.
If your blood clot was not properly diagnosed, misdiagnosed or not treated properly and this resulted in you suffering harm, you could be entitled to make a medical claim. For example, if you were in hospital and were not issued surgical stockings, despite them being appropriate for you, the medical staff were likely negligent.
According to the NHS, if you have a blood clot, you might be experiencing a “throbbing or cramping pain, swelling, redness and warmth in a leg or arm”, as well as chest pain, breathlessness and a cough.
Compensation is awarded to cover the pain and suffering you’ve experienced after suffering from a blood clot that was caused by medical negligence or not diagnosed or treated effectively.
If you’ve suffered from a blood clot problem, you may have had to stop working while you recovered. This could leave you worried about your finances. A compensation claim could help you cover your bills while you get back on your feet.
In most cases of medical negligence, you’ll have three years to make a claim for compensation. There are some exceptions to this rule, though.
A child has three years from their 18th birthday to make a claim. This means they can claim at any point up to their 21st birthday.
Meanwhile, if you’re claiming on behalf of someone who lacks the mental capacity to claim for themselves, you will not face a time limit unless they regain capacity.
Your case is unique. This means it will be difficult to say exactly what you would be entitled to without a consultation.
For an idea of what you could be awarded for a successful claim, visit our compensation calculator. But for a clearer understanding, just get in touch with the friendly team here at First4Lawyers.
If you have suffered a blood clot that was not treated properly as a result of medical negligence, you have the right to compensation.
Our claims advisors will be happy to discuss your case for free and talk you through your options. There’s no obligation to proceed, so everything is entirely up to you.
To speak to us, just give us a call, request a call back or start your claim online.